IAC Hackathon #1 has been completed. It was more like a webinar since there was no hands-on activity. But, many things are now much more clear. Microsoft Azure Cloud will be used for developing code and simulating cars and tracks. The main IDE tool will be Ansys SCADE that appears to be similar to Simulink. For simulation, Ansys VREXPERIENCE will be used. I expected more realistic visualization since Ansys VREXPERIENCE is a commercial product. Yet, the visualization level is similar to Gazebo. The computing platform for the development is Windows 10 where a front-end simulator runs whereas all back-end processing run on Azure Cloud. Each team will be given a certain amount of credits for Azure. In terms of sensor data processing, the format of simulated sensor data is not raw which means processed data will be presented as a representation. For example, image data from a camera sensor is not pixel-based but detected objects.

The actual environment will be available on June 15, 2020 after a series of training sessions.


The summary of today’s meeting is as follows.


  • Anysis SCADE and VREXPERIENCE (for simulation) : ROS2 (for real)
  • Everything backend will be running on Microsoft Azure Cloud
    • 3 simultaneous instances per team
    • Ansys SCADE and VREXPERIENCE runs on MS Azure Cloud
    • Cloud credits – limited numbers per team (June 15, 2020 ~ Feb 2021)
      • Run out of cloud credits → the entire team will lose access to software and cloud hardware.
  • The front-end of the simulation runs on Windows 10.

Important Dates

  • Everything will be available on June 15.
    • Before June 15, there will be training sessions.
  • Autonomous vehicle demonstration video prior to 11:59 PM ET on August 19, 2020.

Action Items

Answers Highlight in Q/A

  • The simulator will only be available on Microsoft Azure cloud. You can use a limited capability Student Version of Ansys SCADE on your local machines.
  • The simulations will be running on Microsoft Windows operating system on Microsoft Azure.
  • Microsoft Azure supports GPU.
  • Software that you will get on the cloud will be full function, commercial software. If you download Student Versions from the www.ansys.com website, those have limits on model sizes.
  • SCADE generates C code (possibly Python wrapper but needs to be checked).
  • The outputs of sensors are not raw data. (e.g. not pixels from camera sensors).



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